One way to prevent cancer is to eat a good diet. Whole grains, which are not refined or minimally refined, are one option that can help reduce the risk, especially colon cancer.
Cancer is closer than you think. If you don’t want to increase your risk of getting cancer, you have to eat the right types of food and avoid the right types of food, which is not difficult to do. In addition to eating a variety of foods, adding grains and dietary fiber to the body can also greatly reduce the risk. Especially whole grains that are not polished or minimally polished. Which have high nutritional value such as vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, dietary fiber, and various antioxidants. Emphasize whole grains.
Nutritional value of grains
- Brown rice provides energy to the body, has dietary fiber, helps prevent beriberi, thrush, reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps prevent anemia.
- Job’s tears contain vitamin B1, vitamin A, potassium and dietary fiber. They help relieve numbness, heat in the body, and nourish the kidneys, lungs and stomach.
- Various types of beans such as mung beans, soybeans, black beans, and red beans contain protein and dietary fiber, which can help reduce the risk of colon cancer.
In addition, dietary fiber in grains plays an important role in transporting substances. That are harmful to the body, which stick to the intestines, to be excreted. Therefore, it plays an important role in reducing the risk of gastrointestinal cancer and colon cancer.
How to cook properly to avoid cancer
- Do not grill meat until it is charred. Grilling, smoking, or charring meat can cause carcinogens. Microwaving food before grilling and discarding the charred portion before eating can help reduce these toxins.
- Avoid eating raw or undercooked food, especially freshwater fish with scales. Eating undercooked food can cause liver fluke infection and chronic inflammation, leading to cancer. Therefore, these foods should be cooked thoroughly before eating to reduce the risk of disease.
- Do not reuse frying oil. Oil that has been fried for too long will have less nutritional value and increase the risk of disease. Therefore, you should avoid eating fried food from shops that use oil that has a rancid smell, is dark black, and has a lot of bubbles.
Reduce your consumption of red meat such as pork, beef and lamb because they are high in saturated fat. Eating them may increase the risk of colon and rectal cancer, breast cancer and obesity. Therefore, you should limit your consumption of such meat to only 500 grams per week to reduce your risk of cancer. You can avoid eating fish because it is an easily digested protein, low in fat and contains omega-3 fatty acids. สมัคร ufabet Which help the brain, liver and nervous system function.