As you can see, strong-smelling herbs and spices like garlic are a main ingredient in many dishes, both Thai and Western. This is because garlic is useful for enhancing flavor and has many health benefits. However, the strong smell of garlic may cause many people to shake their heads in denial. Today, สมัคร ufabet has the benefits of garlic to tell you, so that next time you will be willing to eat garlic.
1. Solve the problem of hair loss.
The problem of hair loss is probably a problem that bothers many people, especially women with long hair and hair that has undergone various chemical processes such as perming, dyeing or straightening. But did you know that garlic can effectively prevent these problems? Just slice garlic into thin pieces and massage your head. Or you can mix it with oil and massage your head as well. Because garlic is high in allicin and sulfur, which are effective in reducing the problem of hair loss.
2. Treating Acne
Garlic is considered a natural acne treatment that is very effective because it has antioxidants that can kill bacteria. Therefore, we can kill the bacteria that cause acne by thinly slicing fresh garlic and gently applying it on the acne for a while, then washing it off with clean water. This will definitely make annoying acne disappear.
3. Preventing and treating colds
If we have enough antioxidants in our immune system, we will be less likely to get sick. Therefore, it would be great if we could increase our body’s antioxidant power to fight various diseases by eating garlic regularly. However, if prevention seems too late because the cold has already come, we can easily get rid of the cold by slicing garlic into slices, soaking it in hot water for 2-3 minutes, and then straining to remove the pulp. Sip it as warm garlic tea. Or if you can’t stand the smell, you can add some honey or ginger water.
4. Relieve inflammation from psoriasis
Since garlic has anti-inflammatory properties, it can help relieve inflammation from red rashes, especially red rashes caused by psoriasis. Apply garlic oil to the wound to make the scabs fall off and reduce redness on the skin.
5. Helps control weight
. A study by Nutritionist Cynthia Sass, who studied rats who ate garlic, found that rats who ate garlic had less weight and fat accumulation. So try to eat more garlic mixed in their food. Or for those who really can’t stand the smell, choose to eat supplements such as garlic tablets.
6. Remove splinters Splinters
that sting our feet or hands can be easily removed by applying thinly sliced garlic and wrapping them with a bandage. This is a natural method that has been used for a long time and is accepted as a method that is truly effective.
7. Eliminate foot odor
The problem of foot odor is caused by feet being exposed to moisture, causing fungus to grow, followed by unpleasant odor and itching. But we can easily solve the problem by soaking our feet in warm water mixed with crushed garlic. Leave it for a while. The unpleasant odor and itching will disappear because garlic has antifungal properties.
8. Repel mosquitoes and insect bites.
Although scientists have not yet concluded that garlic can repel mosquitoes and insects, there is research from India that found that people who apply garlic to their arms and legs will be less bothered by mosquitoes and insect bites of all types than people who do not apply it. Therefore, it is recommended to make an easy mosquito repellent by mixing garlic oil, petroleum jelly, and beeswax together. Or you can apply fresh garlic to your arms and legs to protect yourself from mosquitoes, whichever is more convenient.
9. Treat measles.
Measles is caused by the Human Herpesvirus Type 6 (HHV 6) virus. The symptoms of the disease are similar to measles or chickenpox because red bumps and inflamed sores on the body will appear. A natural treatment that is effective is to apply crushed garlic directly to the wound to treat the inflammation and reduce swelling. In addition, taking supplements made from garlic extract, such as garlic tablets or garlic oil, will help the wound heal faster. See?
Garlic really has infinite benefits. Now that you know this, those who like to push garlic to the side of their plate because they can’t stand the smell will have to hold their breath and close their eyes to swallow this beneficial spice. But if you really can’t stand both the smell and the taste, Nowadays, there are many dietary supplement options available for you to buy and eat for good health.